Posts by Mark Goodson

New Tricks

It’s when I’m spiritually fit enough that I can let my guard down and act like a goofy kid that I feel the happiest.

Christmas Routines

The magic is very alive in the house because of our youngest, the nugget. We should probably call her firecracker. Or perhaps perpetual motion machine. More apropos, even, is the energizer bunny. She keeps going and going and going.


If knowledge is power, then curiosity is the impulse to be empowered.


The world is making it increasingly possible to measure everything you deem to be worthwhile. But most of what is worthwhile cannot be contained in any form of measurement.


My writing has been an effort for me to turn up the volume on that voice, to take whatever words are whispered and amplify them.


You can make every argument imaginable about social behavior, evolutionary biology, genetic probability, but you can’t imagine the most interesting aspect of being human: we are given a personality unique to our souls. 


Simply feeling good just gets better and better. What’s more, in the long term, it is a far wilder journey. The greatest distance I have ever traveled—and I once climbed Mt. Sinai by moonlight—is the distance from my heart to my head.


People are tripping over themselves to understand the multiverse. Others are expanding their stake in the metaverse. The mundane-verse is the most powerful of the three in that it includes both.

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There is some work in life that you are so glad to be done because it allows you to get on with other things — the great American retirement falsehood: begrudge what you do until you no longer have to do it. It is truly special when you come to the end of a long journey only wishing you could continue on it.

Born to Run

My two year old doesn't walk; she runs. She runs from anything to anywhere at all times.


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